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See which web hosting companies perform the best and why! Read matchups between shared hosts to see who ranks #1!

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Real, Honest Web Hosting Reviews & Tech Tips!

If you’re tired of web hosting sites that push low quality hosts on everyone simply to make a buck then you’re not alone!

WebHostingBuddy was created to be a cut above other web hosting review sites, and if you take a moment to look around that should be very evident. In all the reviews on this site, you’ll find pros, cons, and an honest take on what a host does well and also where they could improve. You’ll see a lot of data on this site and reviews that are backed up by hard facts as well as expert opinions.

Finally, you’ll also see that hosts on this site are NOT promoted simply because of their commission structure. If there’s a host that’s bad—they will NOT be recommended—regardless of how high their commissions may be. To further prove that point, feel free to visit the “Hosts We Don’t Recommend” page to see a full list of hosts created by our managing editor that we feel should be avoided at all costs (and many of them pay high affiliate commissions).

Please feel free to take a look around and soak up the information here. There are a lot of great tech tips for someone who’s just getting started with a WordPress website and even tips that may help seasoned web veterans. If you like what you see, feel free to drop us a line and let us know!

News: Web Hosting Buddy Proudly Supports Vim & The ICCF Charity

Web Hosting Buddy is proud to announce our support for open-source code editor project Vim (vim.org) and the ICCF Children's Fund. They're doing excellent work in Uganda to help save the children who are left behind in the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Read more about that here on our Vim page.